
Sugarcane Jaggery

Sugarcane Jaggery
Sugarcane Jaggery
Sugarcane Jaggery
Sugarcane Jaggery
Sugarcane Jaggery
Sugarcane Jaggery
Sugarcane Jaggery
Sugarcane Jaggery
Sugarcane Jaggery
Sugarcane Jaggery
Sugarcane Jaggery
Sugarcane Jaggery

Sugarcane Jaggery (गुड़/शर्करा)

Jaggery, commonly called as “Gudh” is a natural cane sugar, renowned for its unique taste and solid texture. It's a natural sweetener and recommended to be consumed after meals. Jaggery possesses multitude of vitamins and minerals since it contains rich molasses, naturally present in sugar cane juice. It naturally cleanses the body. Jaggery is an excellent source of plant-based iron  added to your diet to reduce your risk of developing anaemia. 

Sugar has zero nutrients….jaggery contains iron, fibre
Sugar leads to blood sugar spikes…..jaggery boosts digestion
Sugar has empty calories…jaggery boosts immunity

We all love sweets. True! But are you aware how much havoc sugar creates on your body. Sugar causes inflammation and insulin spikes that worsens our skin issues. Diet high in processed sugar accelerates skin Ageing Replace your kitchen sugar to jaggery and save yourself and your family from grave diseases.
A single serving of jaggery will not suffice your daily iron need instead replacing refined white sugar with jaggery in your daily life routine will surely.

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